When getting a tattoo, choosing the right OFFICIAL TKTX numbing product depends on your preference and the specific area being tattooed. Here’s a brief overview of each option:
- Ideal for larger tattoo sessions or if you need long-lasting relief.
- Takes around 45 minutes to 1.5 hours to take effect, with numbness lasting 2-5 hours.
- Provides deeper numbing, making it suitable for sensitive areas or extensive work.
- Absorbs quickly and is commonly used in smaller areas or for quick touch-ups.
- Offers a slightly faster onset than the cream but may not last as long.
- Ideal for a quicker numbing effect for shorter sessions.
- Can be reapplied mid-session if the cream wears off.
- Easy to apply and spread, making it great for larger areas.
- The numbing effect lasts somewhere between the cream and gel.
- Perfect if you prefer a lightweight feel without the thicker texture of cream or gel.
- Can also be used mid-session if the cream's effect fades.
- Convenient for reapplication during long tattoo sessions or for quick numbing.
- Not as long-lasting as cream or gel but great for on-the-go relief.
- Ideal for touch-ups or numbing sensitive areas during a session.
- For long sessions or sensitive areas: Go with OFFICIAL TKTX Cream for maximum numbing and longevity.
- For smaller tattoos or quick touch-ups: Consider OFFICIAL TKTX Gel or Spray.
- For easy application over larger areas: OFFICIAL TKTX Foam is a great option.
Make sure to follow the instructions for the best results, and consult your tattoo artist for their recommendation as well.